An artist displaying work in her London art studio.

What is an affordable artist studio?

An affordable artist studio typically refers to a workspace that is reasonably priced and accessible to keep costs low for artists, particularly those who may be working with limited financial resources. 

Working under precarious conditions, many artists do not earn enough from their art practice to be able to afford a studio at commercial rent in addition to a separate place to live.

Providing secure, affordable space to create artwork for artists who could not otherwise afford workspace is the most direct and fundamental means of support for artists. Stable and accessible artist studios are a foundation for artists to sustain their practice and make a significant contribution to culture, education, and society and to the well-being and sustainability of local communities. 

The affordable studios sector is made up of organisations that provide studios to artists on a non-commercial basis. Artist Studio Finder lists not-for-profit studio providers.

The affordability of an artist studio can also vary depending on factors such as location, size, amenities, and the local cost of living.

How does Artist’s Studio Finder determine affordability?

While affordability means something different to everyone and will change based on the needs of the artist, Artist’s Studio Finder separates studios into the following bands to help you work out what is affordable to you. Remember, all providers listed on Artist Studio Finder are not-for-profit organisations:

  • Low Cost: Up to £21/sq foot commercial pcm
  • Medium Cost: From £22-£30/sq foot commercial pcm
  • Higher Cost: From £31/sq foot up commercial pcm

Photo Credit: Rachel Cherry

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