Studio Providers: Register

Please use this form to create a studio provider account. All accounts will be moderated before you can publish studios on the website. This should take no longer than one week. 

We cannot accommodate listings from individuals or commercial organisations; all listings must be submitted by genuine not-for-profit studio organisations, and commercial operators will be blocked.

  • Studio providers who advertise space within the ‘affordability’ lower cost range may advertise for free.
  • Studio providers in the ‘affordability’ medium cost range will be charged a nominal £100 annual subscription.
  • Studio providers in the ‘affordability’ higher cost range will be charged a nominal £200 annual subscription. 

Artist Studio Finder is committed to affordability for artists in London. Nominal charges help us to cover some of the costs of this website. Studio providers looking to subscribe to Artist Studio Finder should get in touch with us here.

Help us keep this service functioning by providing accurate information.

Create Studio Provider Account

Organisation account details
Organisation contact details
Please Confirm
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