Cheap bright desk space in shared art studio. 2 creatives; there is room for one more! all bills inc. 24hr
Desk space in shared art studio. 2 creatives & there is room for one more! bills inc. 24hr
We have a spare desk space in our studio which is available now, to share with two other artists/ craetives
We have a decent sized room with windows on two sides so it nice and bright.
The price includes all bills (heating/water/business rates /Wifi).
Shared 24 hrs access, and shared toilet facilities and kitchenette.
It is a short walk from South Bermondsey station (one stop from London Bridge). It is also near Queens Road Peckham and Surrey Quays (East London Line).
Please note that excessive noise and/or work that creates fumes/dust will not be possible.
Please note that this room is shared open plan room
You will be sharing with 2 other creatives
The spaces are available now so do call or email if you would like to have a look around and let us know what you would like to use the desk space for.
Desk included